Reconstructed Roohafza: Pink Rose Chia Pudding

Roohafza. The ridiculously sweet rose flavored syrup that’s a staple in desi homes particularly during Ramadan. Shout out to Pakistan helping India out during the dire Roohafza shortage. Roohafza is often mixed with milk, sometimes mixed with water. And sometimes, like in falooda (another desi dessert), it’s paired with tukh malanga otherwise known as basil seeds which swell up in liquid just like chia seeds!

Cooking in Ramadan can be quite challenging. That's why I thought to make a reconstructed Roohafza drink using chia seeds.

This pink overnight chia pudding is perfect for preparing at night for next morning’s suhoor, or preparing in the day for iftar later! It’s quick and easy to make, and the hardest part is the wait.

Roohafza Rose Chia Pudding


Pour the milk (or whichever liquid you’re choosing to use) into a container that will hold 2-3 cups of liquid. Stir in the Roohafza. Keep stirring. Stir until your carpal tunnel flares up. Then switch hands and continue stirring. Once the Roohafza syrup has dissolved completely, pour in the chia seeds and stir gently until thoroughly combined.

Tightly seal the lid or plastic wrap it and then pop it in the fridge for at least 4 hours. I left mine overnight and they were perfect in the morning. You don’t have to stir the pudding for evenness; just stir thoroughly before you serve!